Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 18 - 25th January - www.ctbi.org.uk
International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust 27th January - www.holocaustmemorialday.gov.uk or www.un.org/holocaustremembrance
Homelessness Sunday - 27th January - www.homelessness-sunday.org.uk
World Leprosy Day - 27th January www.leprosymission.org.uk
Poverty Action Sunday - 3rd February - www.church-poverty.org.uk
Education Sunday - www.natsoc.org.uk
International Mother Language Day - 21st Feb www.un.org
International Womens Day - March 8th and UN Day for Women's Rights and International Peace - www.unac.org
Mothering Sunday - www.themothersunion.org
Women's World Day of Prayer - www.worlddayofprayer.net
Tearfund Sunday - www.tearfund.org
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination - 21st March - www.un.org
World Water Day - 22nd March - www.unesco.org/water
World Meterological Day - 23rd March - www.wmo.int
Fairtrade Fortnight - www.fairtrade.org.uk
Save the Children Week - www.savethechildren.org.uk
World Health Day - 7th April - www.who.int/world-health-day
Christian Aid Week - www.christianaid.org.uk
(UN) International Day of Families - 15th May - www.un.org
Not for Sale Sunday - 21st May - www.notforsalesunday.org
(UN) International Day for Cutural Diversity for Dialogue and Development - 21st May - www.un.org
Global Day of Prayer - www.globaldayofprayer.co.uk
World Environment Day - 5th June - www.unep.org
Environment Sunday - A Pack of Worship Resources is available from A ROCHA UK at en.arocha.org/ukconsunday
International Day of UN Peacekeepers - 29th June
JULYSea Sunday - 8 July . - the Mission to Seafarers - www.missiontoseafarers.org
World Population Day - www.unfpa.org/wpd
International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples - 9th August - www.un.org/events/indigenous
International Youth Day - 12th Aug - www.un.org
Raciak Justice Sunday - Second Sunday- 14th Sept. "The Land of Milk and Honey " www.ctbi.org.uk
International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer - 16th Sept - www.unep.fr/ozonaction/events/ozoneday
International Day of Peace - 21st Sept. -The World Council of Churches calls on Churches to make this a day of prayer for peace, and to include prayers for peace in their services on the Sunday before or after September 21. Prayer, stories and concerns for intercession will be made available on the website of the Decade to Overcome Violence at www.overcomingviolence.org
International Day for Older Persons - 1st Oct - www.un.org/depts/dhl/olderpersons
World Habitat Day - first Monday - www.unhabitat.org
World Mental Health Day - 10th Oct. - www.wfmh.org
World Food Day - 16th Oct - www.fao.org
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty - 17th Oct
United Nations Day and World Development Information Day - 24th Oct.
One World Week - 21-28 October. - www.oneworldweek.org
Week of Prayer for World Peace - 21-28 October - nfpb.gn.apc.org/Prayer/
Disarmament Week
International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict - 6th Nov. - www.un.org
Remembrance Sunday - 11 November - www.ctbi.org.uk
International Day of Tolerance - 16th Nov - www.un.org
Universal Children's Day - 20th Nov. - www.unac.org
International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People - 29th Nov. - www.un.org
World Aids Day - 1st December - www.unac.org
International Day for the Abolition of Slavery - 2nd Dec. - www.un.org
International Day of Disabled Persons - 3rd Dec. - www.un.org
International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development - 5th Dec.
International Anti-Corruption Day - 9th Dec. - www.un.org
Human Rights Day - 10th Dec. - www.un.org
International Migrants Day - 18th Dec. - www.un.org/depts/dhl/events/migrants
UN Day for South - South Cooperation - 19th Dec. - www.un.org/depts/dhl/events/south
International Human Solidarity Day - 20th Dec.
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